
Scribble Instructions for Tutoring

Scribble Together Whiteboard is the app Steps Tutoring recommends for remote tutoring. Here are instructions for how to use it:

1. Download the app “Scribble Together Whiteboard” onto an iPad. See also for information. Tell the person you are scribbling with to also download the app. He or she will also need to have an iPad.

 2. Set up the account. There is a discounted rate (click here) for tutors and educators. The student does not pay anything. Only the host needs a paid subscription.

3.  The first thing you should do is create a new, blank white board for your student and name it with the student’s name. Tap the + sign on the top right of the screen. That gives you a new board. Tap the “Created date” words at the top center of the page. A prompt will come up below those words saying, “rename.” Click on “rename.” A box will appear around the “Created date” words and your cursor will be in that box. You will need to delete the words “Created date” and type in the new name. You can save these boards for each of your students. To delete a board, go to the opening page of the app and press your finger on the board you want to delete. An “x” will pop up in the top left corner of all boards the way it does on an iPhone when you delete. Press the “x”s for the boards you want to delete.

4. On your new board, the commands are on the bottom right of the page. You can write with a single finger or an iPad pencil. (Use two fingers for scrolling up or down.)

* To erase something you have written, tap on the icon on the bottom right that shows a dotted circle and finger. Then circle what you want to delete. A menu will pop up allowing you to cut, copy, delete or duplicate what you have circled.

* To change the color of your writing use the circle on the far right of the command line.

* To change the thickness of your writing, use the icon that is second from the right, the one with the pencil over a horizontal line. (You will notice that the color of the line matches the color you have chosen using the circle on the far right.)

 5. To add a document to a board for you to share with a student, go to the top right of the screen. Second from the right, you will see an icon of two superimposed pictures. Tap on this icon and you will be able upload a file (from the cloud or files you have stored on your iPad.) If you are using documents for tutoring, please make sure you have access to the documents you need on your iPad, and uploaded onto Scribble before you start tutoring.

6. To invite a student to Scribble with you:

a. On the top right of your open board, will be an icon showing a person.  Tap on the icon and you will see a 4- digit code.

b. The student should have the app loaded and open. The student should tap on the words “Join Board” that appear on the main Scribble page. The student will then be prompted to enter a 4 digit code.

c. Read your 4-digit code to the student.

d. The student will be asked to enter his or her name.

e. You will see on your board a request to allow him or her to share your board. Respond “yes.”  You are now sharing.

f. If you want the student to also be able to write on the board, enable that function.

7. It is assumed that you will also you zoom or Facetime on a laptop with your student. Use the iPad for Scribble as a white board.

Finding Spelling City Resources

Sadly, Spelling City has been merged into Vocabulary City. It is now next to impossible to find the great spelling games parents and teachers have come to know and love. Even the techs the company employs to help you are not aware of how to find them. But no worries! Here is how to easily access the spelling resources that are, indeed, still available on Vocabulary City.